
The Big Shrink: Americans Start To Eat Less

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via Serious Eats

Written by National Wellness Institute

Between 2003 and 2011, Americans across categories have begun to purchase and eat less food resulting in declining obesity levels in young children and stalled obesity levels in school-age children and adults.

A study released by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is indicating that, though these trends are indeed occurring, there is not currently any concrete indication as to why.

Researchers are split as to whether the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009 played an important role in changing Americans’ eating habits. Some research seems to indicate that an economic downturn tends to push healthier eating habits, while other research indicates that the exact opposite is true.

One positive result of this study is the indication that media coverage, discussion and actions in the US surrounding obesity and the role of sugar-sweetened beverages playing a role in the slowing of obesity rates.  The study showed consumption of sugar-added drinks making a marked decline from 1999 on.  This change I consumption could be attributed to changes in consumer education due to public policy, though the researchers focused on economic impacts on consumption instead of social impacts, and therefore have not been able to make conclusive findings.

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