
Brain Power

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Fitness professionals speak of the benefits of walking for the body and how it can lead to weight control and a healthy life style.  Let’s also take our mind for a “walk” and exercise and energize it.  There are many methods for stimulating the mind.  When we exercise the body we are delivering new, fresh oxygen to the brain as well as requiring it to coordinate our physical movements.  Walking outside allows our senses to “feast” on various sights, smells, and sounds.  When walking near flowers, close your eyes and let your sense of smell operate fully as you try to identify the type of flower by its scent.  While sitting in a park, close your eyes and identify by sound the various birds and animals you hear. 
Our brains can be stimulated through games such as bridge, scrabble, crossword puzzles and concentration.  You can play the following game with yourself whenever you meet and have a conversation with someone.  After the conversation is over and the person leaves, try to recollect in detail what they were wearing and their physical description from hat to shoes.  Repeat telephone numbers to yourself of your close friends.
Another fun think to do is recognizing body language.  Read a book on the subject and observe two people talking and look for signs of optimism, frustration, and joy.  Watch a television show without the sound and read the actor’s lips.  Learn sign language on your own or take a college class on that or any foreign language.  Teach yourself to play one simple key on a piano or guitar.
As you exercise your body, don’t forget to take the brain for a “walk” as well.  It desires stimulation just as much as your back and chest muscles.  Keep the weight low however, so you don’t get a big head!
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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