
Breakfast: Fueling a Child’s IQ

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As summer winds down, parents everywhere are starting to think of the tools they can provide their children to make this school year successful. Did you know, the key to a successful school year can be as easy as providing a healthy breakfast? It’s true! Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing discovered that children who regularly eat breakfast have increased IQ scores and decreased behavioral disorders.

Whole Strawberries in Vanilla yogurt with Spoon in bowlAfter gathering data from 1,269 children in China, researchers found that children who do not eat breakfast have a 4.6 lower point IQ score than children who regularly consume breakfast. Not only does breakfast provide nutrition and energy to begin the day, but it also aids in brain development. Eating breakfast helps children receive proper nutrients, increase IQ, and is associated with a decrease in behavioral disorders. These factors are an indication of why breakfast is vital for future health and career success outcomes.

Children should be regularly eating breakfast to assist in physical and mental development. Proper breakfast consumption may be difficult during rushed mornings because of early school start times. If lack of time is an issue, try preparing breakfast the night before to ensure food is quickly available in the morning. Cooking a large batch and freezing the meal can also assist with mornings where making a meal is not a viable option.

As more parents are working longer hours, preparing healthful meals for children may seem difficult. For quick kid friendly recipes for busy parents, visit Parenting.

Article by Kelli Oligney, Associate Editor

University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. (February 12, 2013). Can Breakfast Make Kids Smarter? Science in Action. Retrieved on February 12, 2013, from http://www.nursing.upenn.edu/sia/Pages/Can-Breakfast-Make-Kids-Smarter.aspx

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