
Celebrate National Family Caregivers Month

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National Family Caregivers Month

Giving Thanks

Every day millions of adults provide care for loved ones and friends who are either aging or have debilitating illnesses. Caregiving– providing care and being “on call” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – is hard work.Nearly 10 million adult children over the age of 50 care for their parents. As the baby boom generation ages, the number of people who need care will continue to grow. It is estimated that 80 percent of all care received by older Americans is provided by family members. Estimates reveal they provided the equivalent of $450 billion worth of care to their adult parents and other loved ones in 2009, an amount that makes caregivers one of the largest and most overlooked pillars of the U.S. health care system, according to a new report by the AARP Public Policy Institute. If family caregivers were no longer available, the economic cost to the U.S. health care and long-term services and supports (LTSS) systems would increase astronomically.

What Should Caregivers Know?
Take care of yourself
A healthy diet and plenty of exercise and rest are critical for staying healthy. Make time for shopping, lunch with friends or even a golf outing. Take advantage of community services such as adult day care or in-home companion services to care for a loved one in order to take a break.

Know what resources are available
Adult day care, in-home assistance, visiting nurses and Meals-on-Wheels are just some of the services that can help.

Get help
Asking for assistance does not mean failure as a caregiver. Seek the support of family, friends and community resources.

Manage your stress level
Stress can cause physical problems and changes in behavior. Use relaxation techniques that work, and consult your doctor.

Accept changes as they occur
People often require care beyond what you can provide on your own. Look into care services such as in-home caregiver services and residential care.

Do legal and financial planning
Consult an attorney to discuss legal, financial and care issues. If possible and appropriate, involve family members and the person you are caring for.

Celebrate National Family Caregivers Month by offering help to those who do!

For more information on Elders and Family, visit the U.S. Administration on Aging at:

National Institutes on Aging has an Online Information directory. Click on Caregiving and find a host of available websites:

Caregivers May Have Some Surprising Benefits

AARP Caregiving Resource

AARP Public Policy Institute
“Valuing the Invaluable: The Growing Contributions and Costs of Family Caregiving, 2011 Update.”

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