
December Inspiration: Quotes to Help Us Overcome Adversity

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Maintain happiness and positivity this December and holiday season.

Adversity comes in all shapes and sizes–don’t let it get the best of you! Allow the below quotes to inspire you and help you overcome adversity:

December Inspiration

There is no education like adversity.
-Benjamin Disraeli

In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.
-John Churton Collins

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.
-Ralph Blum

It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.
-Isaac Asimov

All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune.
-Henry David Thoreau

Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.
-Jonathan Kozol

All sunshine makes the desert.
-Arabian Proverb

Adversity is the mother of progress.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Success in the affairs of life often serves to hide one’s abilities, whereas adversity frequently gives one an opportunity to discover them.

Times of great calamity and confusion have ever been productive of the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm.
-Charles Caleb Colton

Obstacles are great incentives.
-Jules Michelet

In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer.
-Albert Careb

There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm.
-J. H. Vincent

Look up and not down; look forward and not back; look out and not in; and lend a hand.
-E. E. Hale

What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first steps to something better.

Happy December!

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