
Doctors and Health

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On one of my own annual trips to the Doctor’s office, I asked his advice on what I could do to maintain good health.  He made the following points: 
·         First, don’t smoke.
·         Second, wear a seatbelt while in a vehicle. 
·         Third, eat moderately from all food groups.
·         Fourth, exercise daily. 
·         Fifth, do something that pleases you. 
Let’s expand on the fifth and final point, as the first four have been reported upon extensively.  Do something such as play a sport, eat a special meal or take a ski weekend trip.  Read a classic book, hug your children, say a prayer for a deceased parent, or smell a beautiful flower.  Do something that pleases you. 
The idea is that I have the power to make myself happy and I ought to do that at least once or twice a day.  You may call it stress reduction, self fulfillment or taking charge of your own life.  The label isn’t important.  What matters is that you deserve some peace and enjoyment in life. 
Many of us were raised in families that were economically poor, but found great enjoyment in each other and in the simple pleasures of life.  These pleasures may have been conversations, card playing, gardening, collecting stamps or baseball cards, visiting a zoo, watching the sunset, or making potato pancakes.  I think what the doctor meant by the fifth point was living in the present and finding time for enjoyment now.  Good health encompasses many different facets. One of them is a restful night’s sleep dreaming about a simple pleasure that made you smile that day. 
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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