
Doing What Drives You – A Pathway to Your Passion

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Doing What Drives You – A Pathway to Your Passion

by Jeanne P. Hartig, RN

Remembering my Posture Awareness Project from sophomore year of high school made me realize that our passions and what drives us are part of us even in childhood.

This past month I had a flash memory of my childhood – well of my “teen-hood.”  The memory made me realize that my drive and passion for health awareness was part of me long before WellAdvantage ever existed.

I attended an all-girls Catholic High School in Silver Spring, Maryland.  I don’t have too many detailed memories of that time in my life, as it was a time of family turmoil.  But I remembered every detail of this particular occurrence so long ago in my flash memory.

I had apparently noticed that some of my fellow classmates appeared to have hunched backs and shoulders that were significantly imbalanced or drooping on one side.  I am not sure why I was even aware of this, but I recalled thinking that maybe they did not even know.  I somehow knew that with awareness they could have a choice to change the further development of the imbalance.  The reason that this memory struck me as significant, is that this was clearly related to my passion for helping people to prevent further declines in health.  And it is exactly what I do now with WellAdvantage.

The crazy thing is that my flash memory included my subsequent “Posture Awareness Project” that same year.  I had set up a camera on a tripod in front of a backdrop with vertical and horizontal lines behind the curtain of the school’s gymnasium stage.  There I took pictures of my classmates as they stood upright.  One shot facing front, and one shot facing to the side.  I marked the standard posture points on each picture and drew lines to show the areas that were not aligned.  I then gave each classmate a personal posture assessment folder. What I now realize is that I was performing a prevention screening!

As I recalled this memory, I was floored by the realization that I had performed a screening (and I also wondered where I got the money and resources to pull this off)!  I feel lucky to have landed in a place where I can do what drives me and my passion every day.  I believe that when people follow their passion, they have the best chance to make an impact in this world.

#LifePassion #HealthScreenings #WellAdvantage #TheCorporateWellnessExperts

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