
Don’t Worry, Be Happy

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There are hundreds of books and magazines on the market expressing the latest and greatest ideas on stress reduction and worry-free living.  In reality, if we experienced no stress or anxiety, life would be very boring and little would be accomplished.  TV shows such as The Apprentice, Survivor, Fear Factor and Big Brother wouldn’t exist.  These shows imitate some facets of life to which we can all relate.  It is not that some stress and deadlines are counter productive in our work and home lives, but it is the amount and the consistency that can harm us.  We need a break from stress overload.  How do we accomplish that goal? 
Several areas seemed to be important in helping reduce stress in our lives.  One way is through physical exercise.  The act of walking, weight lifting, or yoga raises our spirits and changes our thoughts as we concentrate on a healthy and hopefully rewarding activity.  Other methods for happiness are letting go of negative thoughts, especially ones over which you have no control as to the outcome.  Replace these thoughts with positive ones.  Practice meditation during which time you repeat positive, optimistic statements to yourself reinforcing some healthy belief or choice you made. 
Take time each day to do at least one thing you really enjoy.  It may be a walk in the park at lunch time or phoning a friend for a dinner date.  Have both short and long range goals and keep a weekly log showing your progress towards one of the goals.  Pamper yourself once a week with a trip to the salon or a massage or even a bubble bath with candles in the room.  See the good in everything and tell someone about a positive thing or event that happened to you.  Try not to take everything personally.  Allow others to shoulder some of the load; you don’t have to carry the world on your back.  Learn to say “No” occasionally so as not to be pressured into every project or committee at school, work or church.  If you’re religious, practice your faith and allow God to do her job while you do yours.  Pray or meditate on healing for you, your family and friends.
Take charge of your life, visualize your gifts, talents, and abilities, and put these attributes to good use.  Hopefully you enjoy what you do for a living and have time for family and friends as well.  A hobby or sport can be a welcomed change from your work schedule.  Plan a vacation and tell others of your ideas concerning the vacation and what you’ll do on this trip.  Get proper rest, eat nutritiously, have regular medical check ups and exercise daily for good health and positive outlook. 
It seems that we all spend a lot of time thinking about the bad consequences of events that never happen.  We worry ahead of time about whether our child will be the victim of a car accident or that we won’t have the money for the needed repair if the furnace breaks next winter.  Why worry now?  Do the best you can with the knowledge and skills you have right now.  When you learn to trust yourself, you will know how to live a full life.  It is up to you to decide whether your glass is half full or half empty!
Self Matters, Philip McGraw
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey.
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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