
Exercise Tips

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You have decided to exercise and want to know how to begin.  Here are a couple of tips:


Exercise for your heart and lungs.  For general health, walk 20 – 30 minutes daily or 3 times a week.  For weight loss, walk longer, 40 – 50 minutes.  Add some intensity (hills or faster pace) when you are ready.  Warm up first with slow walking and stretch at the end during your cool down.  Drink water, wear proper shoes and have fun. 


Resistance Training increases lean muscle mass.  Use weights, bands or machines to strengthen your major muscle groups such as back, chest, and legs.  Perform 8 – 12 repetitions (1 set) of an exercise and do 3 sets.  When you are able to easily do 3 sets, add an extra 5 lbs to the weight.  Drink water and don’t hold your breath.  Breathe naturally as you lift and lower the weight.  Go slow, be careful and enjoy what you are doing.  Remember exercises such as push ups, sit-ups, leg squats, and lunges are also great.


Flexibility, balance, and strength can be gained by exercise and activities such as yoga.  Gentle stretching and breathing techniques are both beneficial and relaxing to the mind and body.  When you hold yourself in a yoga posture, you are doing “weight bearing” activity and gaining better balance and posture as well.  Stretch your muscles after first warming them through gentle movement.


Practice good nutrition.  Consult your doctor or a nutritionist for advice and diet information. Some basic ideas that are promoted by health professionals include drinking plenty of water, eating a nutritious breakfast, having 5 – 6 smaller meals per day, eating food from all the food groups, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and lowering the amount of saturated fat and sweets in your diet.  The new food guidelines call for several servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.  Add color to your plate by choosing fruits and vegetables that include the colors red, orange, green, blue, purple, yellow, and brown.


Rest and stress reduction are important for your healthy lifestyle.  Do something you enjoy each day.  Reward yourself, laugh and thank someone for just being there with you. Try yoga or meditation or deep breathing even for 5 minutes and let yourself relax.  You deserve it.


Check with your doctor prior to starting an exercise program.  Have a great day!


Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.


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