
Feel Good On Purpose

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You are who you think you are.  You will be who you think you will be.  There is a story that a poor 6 year old boy asked his mother why their family lived in poverty.  It seems that the boy and his parents were always hungry and cold and his father never received a better paying job.  His mother answered the boy’s question by saying that the father “thinks” he is supposed to be poor, so he acts as if he has no control over his well being.  He has only known poverty and just accepts it as a way of life.  Is there a way out of this type of thinking?
Hundred of books have been written about positive thinking and rising above your circumstances, and there are many success stories.  One answer usually given in these books is to trust yourself and have an optimistic outlook.  Believe you have the knowledge and power to make successful choices.  Motivate yourself with positive statements and join with other outgoing and happy people.  Dream big dreams and think great thoughts.  Of course you need to build foundations under these dreams and perform the work to move on to the next level of your life. 
In the health and fitness environment, ask yourself why am I leading an unhealthy lifestyle?  Is it smoking, eating to excess, or failing to exercise?  What keeps me in fitness “poverty”?  Is there something I like about this way of living?  Trust yourself and determine what successful people are doing and visualize yourself as living a happy, goal orientated, successful life.  See yourself as strong and vibrant, standing tall and proud, wearing a special outfit and doing an enjoyable activity.  If you are spiritual, then meditate or pray for guidance as many people find solace in their God.  If you follow a more Eastern Tradition, seek knowledge and comfort in uniting with the universal one.  However you receive energy and motivation, do so with a passion and start to think and believe all things are possible.  You can be who you want to be!
How To Win Friends And Influence People , Dale Carnegie.
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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