
How to Address Intimate Partner Violence in the Workplace

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House of Ruth Maryland

Article Submitted by: House of Ruth Maryland


With one out of every four American women reporting physical abuse by an intimate partner at some point in their lives, it is a certainty that in every workplace, the issue is affecting employees. Whether it’s a threatening phone call, repeated absences due to injury, or decreased productivity as a result of stress, intimate partner violence is a pervasive force in the American workplace.

And, it’s a silent issue. People being abused go to great lengths to hide it, while co-workers often view it as a personal issue, dangerous, and therefore are reluctant to reach out or get involved in any way.  When it does surface, unless people are prepared, it can be confusing and difficult to handle.

Did you know:

  • Domestic homicide is the leading cause of death for women in the workplace
  • 74% of perpetrators had easy access to their intimate partner’s workplace, with 21% of offenders reporting that they contacted her at the workplace in violation of a no contact order
  • 74% of victims are harassed at work by their abuser
  • 56% of battered women arrive an hour late for work 5 times a month
  • 74% of perpetrators were late to work
  • Only 4% of organizations train their employees about domestic violence and its impact on the workplace


What can you do about intimate partner violence in the workplace?

Educate –  Utilize Intimate Partner Violence experts in your community to train and educate your staff.

Create a workplace policy and procedures – Add an intimate partner violence policy to work in conjunction with others on health, performance and safety.  Include protocols for how staff should react to incidences, and how to have a safety plan for both the employee and the workplace.

Refer –  Provide referral sources for employees.  This could include Employee Assistance Programs, as well as local support contact information.

Respond –  Take action on any threat or act of violence in the workplace.  Intimate partner violence is a serious, recognizable problem that not only puts employees at risk, but presents potential liability for the employer who fails to react.



For More Information, Contact:


House of Ruth Maryland
2201 Argonne Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218-1627
(410) 889-RUTH(7884) (24-hr Emergency Hotline)
website: www.hruth.org
Take a stand Against Intimate Partner Violence

Visit Ruth’s Closet & Shop with a Purpose, Donate with a Passion
9131 Reisterstown Road, Owings Mills, MD, 410-581-9780

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