
Keep Moving

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Don’t we all know people who are constantly eating and yet maintaining their weight?  They even have dessert with dinner every night.  It isn’t fair! 
The Mayo Clinic and other research institutions have release studies indicating that overweight people who have sedentary jobs and engage in no physical exercise burn calories at different rates than lean people with the same job and exercise habits.  How is this possible?  The lean people were found to sit, on average, 150 minutes less each day and moved about burning 350 calories more than their overweight co-workers. 
They are what Denise Austin, exercise author, calls “Fidgetizers”.  When the phone rings at home, they jump up to answer it.  When the mail arrives, they run to get it.  In the market checkout line they tap their feet, reach for a magazine, or arrange items on the conveyer belt.  The “Fidgetizers” stretch at their desk, stand while talking on the phone, walk to the water cooler often, engage their stomach muscles while driving in the car, sway their hips while washing dishes, and hundreds of other small movements throughout the day that add up to 350 extra calories used. The same amount of calories are in a sweet dessert!
The research study was performed by placing movement sensors on the body which recorded second by second movement, or lack of it.  One thought from the study is that simple, everyday activity such as playing with kids, housework and walking the dog are as important in treating obesity as a structured exercise schedule.  Ideally, your healthy lifestyle would include both a regular exercise such as walking and the ordinary fidget-type of activity mentioned above.
Add to this proper nutrition and rest for a healthier you.  Just for fun, why not track your movements for one day and seek times when you could add movement to your life.  For example, at work move your shoulders in a shrug or roll, bring one knee towards the chest and out again.  At home, stand while talking on the phone and stand up for every TV commercial or get a drink of water.  Get into the habit of moving.  Maybe our mothers were right when they told us “you have ants in your pants!”  They said that to quiet us down.  I’m saying it to get you moving!
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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