
Laugh and the Whole World Laughs With You

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I don’t recall when I first heard that line or the following one of “cry and you’ll cry alone.” I think it means that laughter and happiness attracts people, and continued sadness often sends them away. In Proverbs 15:13 and 15:15 we read “a glad heart lights up the face, but by mental anguish the spirit is broken” and “every day is miserable for the depressed, but a lighthearted man has a continual feast.”

We all have problems of one kind or another but we do have a choice as to how we live with these difficulties. It is the old story of two people observing a ½ filled glass. One

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say it is ½ empty and the other says it is ½ filled. What type of person are we? Laughter or having a sense of humor doesn’t make our daily problems disappear but it sure does make life a lot more bearable and enjoyable. I once knew a janitor who sang while he worked and I asked him why he seemed so happy. He said that he never asked what was wrong with his life only what was right, and when he counted his blessings, he sang with joy.

As you observe children playing, notice how they sing and laugh their way through card and board games and enjoy breaking rules of pick-up sports games. Being around kids will make you laugh. Watch the antics of your pet dog or cat and laugh with them. Keep a list of funny movies, jokes, and articles and refer to them when you need a lift of spirits. Laughing causes physical benefits to our bodies including the exchange of large amounts of fresh air, deeper breathing, hundreds of facial muscles get a workout and tear ducts drain. Stress levels are reduced and abdominal muscles engaged.

Laughter can elevate the spirits of those around you. In our cost conscious world, laughter remains free of charge and never runs short of supply. Use it as much as you like and reap the benefits of a good hearty laugh!

Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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