
Metabolism and Exercise

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Metabolism is the process by which the food you eat is converted to useful energy production which will nourish and sustain you and provide the “gas for your engine”. Metabolism is the total of all the energy producing and absorbing processes occurring in the body. Even when you are resting, calories are being consumed to sustain life. Your brain, heart, lungs and other organs have to be nourished with oxygen enriched blood.
The basal metabolic rate is the lowest rate of energy metabolism of a person at rest. A very general estimate of your basal metabolic rate is to add a zero to your weight in pounds. For example, a 150 lb person has a rate of 1,500 calories needed to sustain normal living functions. Now it becomes more understandable why people on very low calorie diets of 1000 – 1200 calories cause their body to “think” it is being starved and slow down metabolism. This in turn causes fat to be held by the body rather than burned as fuel.
Aerobic exercise such as walking and anaerobic exercise such as weight lifting greatly increase your metabolism and cause you to burn fats and carbohydrates during the exercise session and even after you stop. As you increase lean muscle tissue, more calories are needed to sustain muscles as compared to fat. By incorporating exercise in any weight loss program, more fat and less muscle mass is lost. Eating breakfast and 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day raises your metabolic rate and

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keeps it elevated thus causing more calories to be burned. If you skip breakfast and only eat 2 meals daily, your metabolic rate will remain below normal for most of the day. It is important to eat foods that contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

If your intake of carbohydrates is very low you will reduce your energy level. If you cut your protein intake below normal limits, the body will draw its’ needed protein from your muscle tissue causing a loss of muscle and a lowering of your metabolic rate. It would appear that healthy nutrition and regular exercise are the key elements to weight loss and energy production. Dieting without exercise is not the most beneficial way to approach obesity. You will be more successful combining dieting and exercise together as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Fitness, Robert Hockey
Is There A Way To Burn Calories Faster?, Neal Bernard, MD, Vegetarian Times, Mar 2005.
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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