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Brain Power

Fitness professionals speak of the benefits of walking for the body and how it can lead to weight control and a healthy life style.  Let’s also take our mind for a “walk” and exercise and energize it.  There are many methods for stimulating the mind.  When we exercise the body we are delivering new, fresh […]

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Smoke Free

If you want to stop smoking, here are a few ideas that may help in the process. List your reasons for smoking and note the time and place where smoking most often occurs. Determine what you will do instead during those times. Remind yourself of all the health benefits of not smoking and how thankful

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Should I Walk Or Jog?

You may have heard that walking at a moderate intensity will burn as many calories as jogging. That is true, but it will take longer. For example, walking for 40 minutes is roughly the same as jogging for 20 minutes as far as the amount of calories used during the exercise session. Walking is gentler

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Weight Loss With A Passion

Did you ever notice that when you are involved in a project you love, time passes by rapidly, meals are forgotten, and your focus is totally directed to the work at hand?  Could you try to have such a passion in your life, that whenever you are engaged in this passion all else is pushed

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Use It or Lose It – MUSCLE

Muscles lose size and strength with age and inactivity, but they can be rebuilt and replaced through a program of resistance training. Most fitness experts believe that we loose 5-7 lbs of muscle for every decade of adult life. Inactivity leads to weak muscles and bones and the loss of bone protein, all of which

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Metabolism and Exercise

Metabolism is the process by which the food you eat is converted to useful energy production which will nourish and sustain you and provide the “gas for your engine”. Metabolism is the total of all the energy producing and absorbing processes occurring in the body. Even when you are resting, calories are being consumed to

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Home Exercise

            There are many ways to get your 30 – 60 minutes of daily exercise around the home without having to travel to a gym or health club.  Weather permitting, you can walk for your aerobic segment.  Try to include some hills on your route and consider using a pedometer to record your distance, and

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Weight Management

Be honest with yourself.  Only you know yourself!  This is a wonderful thing because it means that you hold the key to your own weight management.  Find your key and you will be free to live the life you want to live!             Give yourself the gift of freedom to live the life that you

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Doctors and Health

On one of my own annual trips to the Doctor’s office, I asked his advice on what I could do to maintain good health.  He made the following points:    ·         First, don’t smoke. ·         Second, wear a seatbelt while in a vehicle.  ·         Third, eat moderately from all food groups. ·         Fourth, exercise daily. 

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