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A Seatbelt for Healthy Living

Consider why you wear a seatbelt. At one time there were no seatbelts in our vehicles. How did it become second nature to fasten our seatbelt before we leave the driveway? First there were studies that showed serious injury could often be prevented by their use. Then there were testimonials from people whose lives were […]

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The debate over the value of stretching continues.  The proponents believe stretching prevents soreness, injuries, increases flexibility, and relaxes muscles.  The opponents state that it does nothing to improve performances, or prevent soreness or injuries.  One point that all agree on is to warm up the muscles first before engaging in a stretch.  The warm

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ARTHRITIS – “Joints on Fire”

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints causing pain, stiffness and or swelling. Approximately 40 million Americans are affected by Arthritis, which can strike people of all ages.  Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, causes the breakdown of cartilage and bones and targets the weight bearing joints including the knees, hips and spine.  Possible

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Keep Moving

Don’t we all know people who are constantly eating and yet maintaining their weight?  They even have dessert with dinner every night.  It isn’t fair!  The Mayo Clinic and other research institutions have release studies indicating that overweight people who have sedentary jobs and engage in no physical exercise burn calories at different rates than

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Why Exercise?

You may have heard someone say “you won’t catch me dead exercising.”  That’s probably true.  You will catch them dead someday because they didn’t exercise.  I heard a senior citizen remark that “he was too old not to exercise.”  To be alive is to move, and moving is a form of exercise.  The old saying

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Yoga Basics

Welcome to the world and culture of yoga.  Did you know that there are more than ten styles of yoga and breathing techniques and thousands of poses with hundreds of instructions all written Sanskrit?  Fear not however, as you can and probably already are experiencing the peace and wellness of yoga in your life.  Do

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A Vacation for the Mind

Have you ever said “I have to get away from here, I can’t think straight”, or words to the effect?  We humans seem to require a change of scenery in order to cease the natural turbulence of our thoughts and re-energize our Usual weeks concerns, abilify stimulant stiffness wouldn’t They purchased on cymbalta 90 mg

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Food on the Run

On those days that you are too busy to cook and haven’t prepared lunch or dinner for yourself what should you choose to sustain and nourish your body?  One thing you can do is carry bottles of water with you so there is no question of what to drink.  Also have a piece of fruit

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Diabetes Is Not A Stop Sign

The dictionary defines diabetes mellitus as a chronic form of diabetes involving an insulin deficiency, and characterized by an excess of sugar in the blood and urine, and by hunger, thirst and gradual loss of weight. Type II diabetes is characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood, not because the body can’t produce

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