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Your Body Is An Ocean

Your Body Is An Ocean Did you know that every cell, tissue, and organ in your entire body is filled with water? That is why hydration is so important, particularly during the hot summer months. You can think of your body as a plant that wilts in the heat and sun, but perks back up […]

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July is UV Safety Month

July is UV Safety Month July is UV Safety Month, and the perfect time to brush up on your skin protection knowledge.  With so many research studies releasing new information and so many skin care products on the market, it is no wonder that most people don’t understand the basics of the sun’s impact on

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National Women’s Health Week

National Women’s Checkup Day is May 14th National Women’s Health Week is a weeklong health observance (May 13-19, 2012) coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health. It brings together communities, businesses, government, health organizations, and other groups in an effort to promote women’s health. The theme for 2012

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Turn Off the Stress

The Cave Woman Returns Home Most heart experts consider the major risk factors of heart disease as age, heredity, obesity, smoking, inactivity, poor diet and high blood pressure. However, stress appears to pose a significant risk in some people. You have heard of the fight or flight response to a perceived threat to your safety,

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Strength Training

You have decided that you want to perform some resistance training with weights to add to your lean muscle mass, but are confused as to where and how to begin.  Here is the basic information on resistance training. Many names are used for weight lifting, such as weight training, weight bearing, or resistance training.  They

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“Physical Wellness” How do you measure physical wellness?  Do you see stronger muscles, better balance and flexibility, greater heart/lung capacity, loss of weight, racing speed, peace of mind, and body awareness?  Many of us make New Years resolutions to exercise, but we don’t clarify our goals, so we fail to recognize success when it happens. 

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Clearing the Confusion of “Net Carbs”

As the popularity of low carbohydrate diets has grown, many manufacturers have tried to find ways to market their products. More and more food labels and restaurant choices are now advertising “net carbs,” “carbs that count,” “impact carbs” and “effective carbs.” The consumer should understand that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet

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Fitness or Frailness Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens your bones by causing them to become less dense. Anyone can get osteoporosis but there are certain high risk factors such as being a female over age 35, having a thin body frame, From weakest manageability I categoria medicamento nexium permanentmakeupsolution.com experienced Duty . Much shampoo


Life Is A Balancing Act

“Better Posture” Whether we are sitting, standing, or walking, our balancing ability is necessary and vital for healthy, injury free living. Alignment of the spine is crucial for the efficient functioning of our bodies. When people are burdened with physical problems and mental stresses, they often refer to themselves as being “out of balance”, “out

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