
November Is American Diabetes Month

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Stop DiabetesAmerican Diabetes Month is about managing diabetes.  Diabetes is a serious disease.  If it isn’t managed, it can damage many parts of the body, leading to heart attacks, strokes, amputation, blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage.  But there is good news: diabetes complications can be prevented or delayed by properly managing blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  Eating healthy, being physically active and quitting smoking also can help lower the risk of diabetes complications.  To manage diabetes, you will work with your health care team to make a plan that helps you reach your goals and keep track of the ABC’s of diabetes.  A is for A1C – your average blood glucose for the past 2 to 3 months; B is for blood pressure and C is for cholesterol.  For more information on prevention and management, go towww.diabetes.org.

Recent estimates project that as many as one in three American adults will have diabetes in 2050, and an additional 79 million Americans are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the total national cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is $174 billion. Further published studies suggest that when additional costs for gestational diabetes, prediabetes and undiagnosed diabetes are included, the total diabetes-related costs in the U.S. could exceed $218 billion.

“Nearly 26 million children and adults have diabetes in the United States, including nearly 400,000 in Maryland” says Kathy Rogers, Executive Director of the American Diabetes Association, Maryland Chapter.  “We know this disease impacts everyone in different ways.It’s time to come together as a community and pledge to stop this deadly disease.”

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