
Personal Resilience – November

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November Focus: Boosting Stress Resistance


Stress ReliefHigh stress times call for a solid foundation of stress resistance. This article will give you some ideas to build your own personal stockpile of stress resistance so you are ready for any amount of stress!Stress resistance is an integral part of personal resilience and is a trait that has separated the weak from the triumphant throughout history. Time and again, it is proven that it takes a strong resolve and a resistance to high stress situations to move beyond set-backs. Here are a few quotes referring to stress resistance and inner resilience.
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson“Our greatest glory is in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
Confucius“In the midst of winter, I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.”
Albert Camus

Like any structure, there are certain building blocks to the foundation required to ensure the highest resistance to stress. It may sound simple, but these are tried and true ways to keep your body and mind in top condition to handle stress when it happens – and it happens to most of us! To build resistance to stress keep these 5 important items in mind.

  1. Proper NutritionProper Nutrition – A body without the proper nutrition and hydration is working harder every day. When the body has the proper nutritional support it functions at a higher level and is able to naturally resist stress.
  2. Physical Activity – Stay active! Your body naturally responds to movement by improving the fitness levels of your vital organs such as your heart and lungs making them more resistant to stressful situations. Plus – exercise results in the release of hormones (endorphins) that help you resist the impact of stress. This fitness happens on a cellular level. You won’t see it; you will just let things roll off of your back a little easier!
  3. Build Endorphins – Besides physical activity, you can further build your store of critical stress resistant endorphins by doing things you love. This helps you to withstand the fight or flight response which comes with our everyday high stress lives.
  4. Enhance your Social Network – Having friends and family you can count on in tough times is a huge parachute when you need someone to catch you. When we have a network of support, we are that much stronger.
  5. Create a Purposeful Life – Prioritize your everyday life according to what is important and what is not. Maybe you don’t need to stress over the small stuff if you have the big
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    picture in your mind. Perspective is important here. Becoming a positive thinker is a choice. It takes practice and patience. If your current way of thinking is negative, this has no doubt been taught to you over years and has become second nature. The good news, you can change your way of thinking!

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