
Resilience Out of Ashes

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Resilience out of Ashes, a Vision for Hope in the COVID-19 Disaster

By Jeanne Puglisi Sherwood, RN


As I navigate through the minefield of change stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak, an unexpected outcome has emerged.  My vision has refocused to reveal beauty all around me that I did not see before.

I believe this pandemic can be likened to an avalanche, hitting our everyday lives with a powerful blow and shifting our mindsets to survival, replacing any thoughts of “what is ideal?” with “what is necessary?”. And now, to my surprise, I find myself feeling more blessed than burdened.

This crisis has pressed an imaginary reset button in my mental priority setting software.  It has triggered a redirection of energy previously spent on things that in actuality are not important. As a result, I am investing my time in doing more of the things that I love and appreciating the things I now realize I was taking for granted.

COVID-19 has impacted more aspects of our lives than I could have ever imagined possible.  A month or so ago, when trickles of concern initially hit the news, my daughter asked me if I thought the coronavirus was going to be a “big thing.”  I told her no.  At that time, I believed the media was simply focusing on the virus because it was a slow news day.  But as the news continued rolling in, the seriousness of the situation became clear.  I began diligently tracking the emerging pandemic, and I called my daughter to tell her that yes, in fact, this virus will be a very big thing.

Throughout the outbreak, I’ve been using my foundational training as a clinician as a guide. To protect my employees and our clients, my company postponed onsite events and transitioned all employees to remote work.   The cancellation of events caused an immediate effect on our business, as it has for many others, but something extraordinary began to happen.  My employees did not reduce their level of productivity or become disheartened. In fact, their level of energy and determination increased drastically.  They immediately took steps to complete their tasks in different ways.  They launched initiatives to engage remote workers, expanded the use of our existing technologies to deliver vital prevention care in alternative ways, initiated partnerships with other providers, and more.

The display of initiative and resolve from this dedicated group inspired me, cleared my vision, and refocused my attitude.  They were a pure example of resilience out of ashes.  And now hope has surged in me like the first flowers of spring peeking through the snow.  A month ago, I wouldn’t have noticed these flowers.  But now, the signs of spring all around me are truly a wonder!  As I work every day in my “socially distanced” home office (see photo!), I have been scheduling time to make sure I don’t miss any of the beauty around me.  I am intentionally doing things I love, such as riding my bike (see photo).  And to my delight, the signs of spring are bursting forth around us! I hope you have a chance to take a look!

Jeanne, our President, enjoying social distancing on her bike ride.
Our President, Jeanne, working from home during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

0 thoughts on “Resilience Out of Ashes”

  1. Irene Myers-Thompson

    WellAdvantage has a great team of passionate people.
    I love the comment in Jeanne’s message- “more blessed than burdened”. A beautiful way for all of us to keep a healthy mindset and be resilient. I am thankful to know this group of wonderful people.
    Nice Matters,

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