Consider Providing Mini Screenings Throughout the Year

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is one of the most important screenings to offer at the workplace. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is known as the “silent Killer” as it often has no symptoms yet can cause serious declines in health and greatly increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Scheduling a blood pressure clinic staffed by our health professional is a great way to help identify potential risk for high blood pressure. Includes review of numbers with a health professional.
Scheduling a blood pressure clinic staffed by our health professional is a great way to help identify potential risk for high blood pressure. Includes review of numbers with a health professional.
Over 30.3 million people in the US have diabetes and the number is growing exponentially. Yet, the truth is that Diabetes is also one of the most preventable diseases when identified in the “pre-diabetes” stage. Over 84.1 million US adults have pre-diabetes and 9 out of 10 do not know it. A1C reveals the average measure of blood glucose levels over a period of time. Staffed by a health professional, A1C screenings are administered via finger stick with results in as little as five minutes.
A1C is highly recommended to help identify individuals with potential risk for pre-diabetes. Includes review of numbers with a health professional.
High cholesterol increases your risk for heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death in the United States. Knowing your cholesterol numbers can help you stay in control of your health.
This screening includes Total Cholesterol, HDL, and Glucose (Triglycerides and LDL available upon request) via a finger stick with immediate results and review of numbers with a health professional.
This screening includes Total Cholesterol, HDL, and Glucose (Triglycerides and LDL available upon request) via a finger stick with immediate results and review of numbers with a health professional.