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Inspire Work‐life Integration with a Wellbeing Challenge

It’s time to get back to wellness.

Help your team take back control of their lives and health with a WellAdvantage Wellbeing Challenge.

Thinking Beyond Steps

WA Challenges add a fresh take on health, focusing on all aspects of wellbeing, from making connections with others, to exploring new healthy lifestyle habits.

The Work‐Life Integration Connection

WA Wellbeing Challenges create a natural bridge for the integration of self‐care and work.

Appreciation & Gratitude

Challenges inspire appreciation and gratitude for taking time for self as well as contributions to a team.

Wellbeing Challenges by an Experienced Workforce Wellness Provider

It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

What’s Included:

2024 Wellbeing Challenge Menu

Amazing America Fitness Expedition

From a lobster dive on the East Coast, to Yosemite National Park, clear to salmon fishing in the Pacific, this virtual journey has it all. Participants will experience some of the splendor the beautiful USA has to offer. 6weeks

One Month Madness

This challenge, which follows the USDA’s dietary guidelines for fruit and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains/grains, and mil/milk products for Americans is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet. Participants will track their daily food intake. 4weeks

Better Together

Improve overall well‐being by spending time with family and friends during this challenge. Research shows that connections with family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and others areas important to well‐being as a healthy diet, exercise and avoidance of tobacco. 4weeks

The Great Hot Air Balloon

The Great Hot Air Balloon Race is an individual percent weight loss challenge. The individual will track their weight loss and watch the hot air balloon fly higher in the sky as the weight comes off. 6weeks

Disconnect or Reconnect

Work‐life integration and stress have been identified as two of the most predominant concerns in the workplace today. In this challenge, participants engage in simple relaxation techniques throughout the day. 4weeks

Them Bones

Bone health is an important part of an individual’s quality of life. Healthy bones maintain a strong structure for the body, anchor muscles, protect organs and store calcium. This challenge helps participants gain awareness about their bone health. 4weeks

Down To Earth

When it comes to creating a cleaner community, simple steps can go a long way. In this challenge participants review easy ways to save energy, reduce waste, cut down on emissions, maintain clear water and more.  4weeks

Tour De France

You don’t have to be a cyclist to take part in this challenge. Participants track daily activity to see progression along the Tour de France route. 6weeks

Schedule a challenge today click here for more information

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