On-Site or Virtual Support to Enhance Wellness Programming
A Wellness Program Advocate (WPA) is a WellAdvantage employee who works either onsite at your location or virtually (digital advocacy) to carry out the day-to-day operations of your wellness program.

Wellness Program Advocate
Your dedicated WPA (full or part-time) will:
- Organize grassroots initiatives
- Work with your current vendors
- Interact daily with employees to understand and address the issues that are important to them
- Seek support and partnerships within your community
Incorporating a WellAdvantage WPA is a proven strategy that has positively impacted our clients’ workforce health for many years.
Benefits of Including a WPA in your Program
With a WPA, you can focus on your daily operations while your WPA focuses on improving your workforce health.
- Is a highly trained wellness professional is a dedicated resource and works directly with your designated wellness representative, providing support for a specified number of hours per month.
- Conducts onsite grassroots outreach to establish trust among your employees and promote and maintain your culture of health and wellbeing
- Can work with your current vendors and insurance carriers as desired, and provide additional resources, such as support from the WellAdvantage Account Management, Client Services and Event teams to track incentives, address employee questions, and provide referrals to your current benefits program.
- Can support your wellness or HR team in a variety of roles as needed, including program management, health education, event coordination, and program reporting.