
Should I Walk Or Jog?

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You may have heard that walking at a moderate intensity will burn as many calories as jogging. That is true, but it will take longer. For example, walking for 40 minutes is roughly the same as jogging for 20 minutes as far as the amount of calories used during the exercise session. Walking is gentler on the joints and can be done by most people anywhere or anytime. Consider safety concerns when walking alone, at night, along busy roads or in extreme temperatures.
The most important item for walking is your shoes. Get a good pair that fit well and keep then for walking only. Shop for shoes later in the day when your feet are at the fullest extent and wear the socks you intend to use. In warm weather wear light colored clothes that wisk away sweat, not hold it as cotton does. The outside layer can be a light wind breaker. Use a hat and sunscreen as necessary. In cooler weather add gloves, a scarf, and layer a shirt or sweater under the windbreaker. Consider carrying water in a bottle that straps onto your belt or over your shoulder in a carrying case. You may like to use a pedometer to measure your distance, a heart rate monitor to record your heart rate, and a small flashlight for evening walks.
If you walk with a friend, you can practice the “talk test” to determine the intensity of your effort. If you can carry on a full conversation with few pauses for breaths, you are probably walking at a very light intensity. If when you talk you are gasping for air, you are at

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a high intensity level. Pick a moderate level in which a small conversation can be accomplished with slight breathing effort. Walk about 30 – 45 minutes on level ground to begin. Later add a few hills and work up to 45 – 60 minutes. If all you have one day is 15 minutes then enjoy a shorter, quicker paced walk in that time. Have fun by changing the walking route or trying a different walking buddy. Dog walking is good if the dog is actually walking and not stopping every few seconds. If you feel light headed, develop chest pains, or become short of breath, stop walking, rest, alert your buddy and consider your options. If you carry a cell phone, use it if necessary. Tell someone where you are walking and your expected return time.

Some normal soreness may develop if you are new to walking. Stretch tired muscles at the end of your walk as you cool down. When you begin to walk start slowly and use this time to warm up your leg muscles and get into good form and posture. Most people use the heel-toe walking technique where your heel strikes first followed by the rest of the foot and finally pushing off the ground using the big toe. Have a comfortable stride which allows you to lean forward slightly, head erect, arms pumping at your sides and feet moving straight forward. If you want to add jogging to your walk, then every 10 minutes jog for 1 minute and return to walking. See if you like that variation.
Walking Medicine, Gary Yanker and Kathy Burton.
Walk Shaping, Gary Yanker.
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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