
Smoke Free

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If you want to stop smoking, here are a few ideas that may help in the process. List your reasons for smoking and note the time and place where smoking most often occurs. Determine what you will do instead during those times. Remind yourself of all the health benefits of not smoking and how thankful your heart and lungs will be for allowing them to breathe clean air.
Tell your family, friends and co-workers of your plan and write down the date you will begin to live smoke free. As the date approaches, clean the house, send your clothes to the cleaners to rid them of the smell of cigarette smoke and throw out all the cigarettes and matches. Go for a walk each day and take some deep breaths congratulating yourself on a new healthy plan for the

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rest of your life. Consider giving yourself a treat with the money you’ll save not having to buy cigarettes. Keep very busy during the first few weeks of not smoking and have someone you can reach out to when you need to talk.

Change old habits by instituting new ones to replace them. For example, if you smoke while watching television, then have a pretzel nearby to hold or chew as you enjoy the show. Try brushing your teeth often with a peppermint flavor to give a different taste to the mouth. If you are using the nicotine patch or gum or any medication, consult with your doctor for the best advice and treatment available. Savor the food you eat and recognize new flavors you may have missed while smoking.
Two great resources are the National Cancer Institute’s Smoking Quitline: 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848) and the website at http://smokefree.gov. The toll-free number provides helpful messages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Here you can learn about nicotine craving and solutions, the benefits of not smoking and numerous other related topics. During working hours, you can speak with a counselor as well. Congratulations to you on embarking on such a health-worthy venture.
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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