
Weight Loss With A Passion

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Did you ever notice that when you are involved in a project you love, time passes by rapidly, meals are forgotten, and your focus is totally directed to the work at hand?  Could you try to have such a passion in your life, that whenever you are engaged in this passion all else is pushed to the background?  Let’s use the examples of walking and painting.  There is a certain ritual you follow to prepare for walking such as putting on your sneakers, placing a CD in the walkman, and stretching.  Before you paint, the brushes are cleaned and the lighting is set.  The smell of the paint triggers your brain that it is time to begin.  The feel of the pavement under your feet motivates you to walk.  Whatever the triggers are that you use they form a habit so when you put on the sneakers, you’re body and mind are ready to exercise.  It is your passion and all else is forgotten. 
This process can be used for proper nutrition and weight management.  This is how it works.  Let’s associate our actions with our feelings.  For example, associate opening the refrigerator with having a piece of cool, refreshing fruit.  Think energy time when the kitchen clock strikes 12 noon.  Make it a habit to walk at 3 pm or do sit-ups when a commercial is running on the television screen.  If you do this 10 times, it may be habit forming!  When the clock is at 12 noon, you will think of doing something physical which gives you energy.  Whatever you choose, do it with a passion losing all other thoughts and distractions and totally focusing on the activity.  Once you know the triggers which start the activity, you can use them anytime.  For example if you are hungry, then opening the refrigerator will cause you to reach for a piece of fruit, not a bowl of ice cream.  If you are tired at 3 pm, you will go for a walk, because you have made that your habit.  You will feel energized! 
Think of something you love to do and how it makes you feel.  Take those feelings and use them in your new healthy life style to trigger a response to exercise and eat the proper foods.  I remember a radio program I listened to every day at 12 noon, and when the program’s music began, I thought about a tuna fish sandwich.  Every time I heard that show I visualized having tuna for lunch.  Today, 10 years later, I still think of tuna when the music plays.  Create healthy associations in your life and let the music play.  Make healthy nutrition your passion and watch the pounds drift away with your music. 
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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