
Weight Management

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Be honest with yourself.  Only you know yourself!  This is a wonderful thing because it means that you hold the key to your own weight management.  Find your key and you will be free to live the life you want to live!
Give yourself the gift of freedom to live the life that you have dreamed about.  Can you imagine waking each morning feeling good about yourself and possessing the freedom to do the things you really want to do?  You will no longer be a prisoner to your weight, pain, fitness limitations or fashion requirements.  Close your eyes and imagine life without weight issues.  You deserve this life.  What are the triggers that make you turn towards food?  Is it stress, boredom, or family issues?  Why do you make unhealthy choices?  Do you eat and watch TV?  What time of day do you eat the majority of your food?  Note your answers to these questions and consider keeping a daily food log.  Check with your doctor concerning a particular diet, food choices and portion sizes for you.  Drink water, get proper rest, exercise and try to eliminate some stress from your life.  Consider having a buddy with you as you start a healthier life style.
Where to begin?  A pound is 3,500 calories and to lose a pound you must eliminate 500 calories per day for 7 days.  Exercise and diet together are the best way for healthy weight loss.  It is not healthy to eat less than 1,200 calories a day.  It is better to reduce calories by 250 by adding a brisk walk of 30 – 40 minutes to your day.  Exercise can elevate your mood by changing your body’s chemistry.  Loss of weight can help reduce your risk of certain diseases as well.  You can make a conscious decision to live an active lifestyle and increase your chances for a happy and healthy life.  An active lifestyle enhances your mood, increases your metabolism, improves digestion, increases bone density and may lower your resting blood pressure.  Make small goals and strive to reach them.  When you do, reward yourself.  Some goals may be walking every day, taking the stairs at work, standing while talking on the telephone or doing sit-ups during the TV commercials.
Choose an exercise you enjoy and wear proper clothes and shoes.  Be careful and safe and start slowly.  If you feel pain or discomfort, check with your doctor before continuing.  It is ok to take a day off.  Eat a nutritious breakfast and drink water.  Try having smaller more frequent meals during the day rather than one very large dinner.  Cut down on saturated fat and sweets and eat several portions of fruits and vegetables daily.  Check with your doctor or a nutritionist for a specific diet plan for you.
Visualize your overall goal and set a course for a new healthy life style.  You deserve the very best.  Now let’s begin!
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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