
WellAdvantage™ Named 2014 Maryland Business Breakthrough Award Winner

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Maryland Chamber Business Breakthrough Awards
L-R: Kathy Snyder, President/CEO Maryland Chamber Bill Ripken, Co-Chairman/Executive Vice President Ripken Baseball, Jeanne Sherwood, WellAdvantage, Tom Graham, Chair, Maryland Chamber. Vice President People Strategies and Human Resources, Pepco Holdings, Inc.
Photo Credit: Coyle Studios, www.coylestudios.com

SYKESVILLE, MD (May 30, 2014) — The Maryland Chamber of Commerce has named WellAdvantage™ as its 2014 Business Breakthrough Award recipient within the category of 11-50 employees. The award was announced on May 29, during a luncheon held at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen, MD.

WellAdvantage was selected based on its position as a pioneer in the corporate wellness industry, as well as its increase in 2013 sales revenue of 235 percent over 2012. In addition, WellAdvantage was recognized for achieving success through a blend of innovative services, outstanding employee relationships and dedicated community service.

“We are delighted and honored to be recognized in this way by the Maryland Chamber of Commerce. The work we do every day is our passion and reward,” shares Jeanne Puglisi Sherwood, RN, CEO of WellAdvantage.

“We help employers make workplace wellness a reality and an easy win for everyone. When employee health is a priority and employees have access to the tools, information and resources to live their best and healthiest life, we see the company thrive as well — productivity, loyalty and profits increase.”

The complete list of award recipients can be found on the Maryland Chamber’s website: Maryland Chamber Announces Business Breakthrough Award Winners. For more information about WellAdvantage, please visit welladvantage.com or call (410) 795-7579.

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