
WellAdvantage Online makes employee health education easy and accessible

Home > News > Corporate Wellness > WellAdvantage Online makes employee health education easy and accessible

For companies participating in WellAdvantage’s Employee-Driven Preventive Health Programs, the WellAdvantage Online Web portal provides a host of tools designed to assist individuals in monitoring their health. The portal also tracks individual wellness-related activities and keeps employees up to date on company health-related events.

Access to the secure portal is provided to employees. Individuals then set up their accounts using a confidential user name and password.

Just by logging onto WellAdvantage Online, employees can:

  • Download the wellness mobile app
  • Connect a FitBit® device
  • Look at their individual biometric results
  • Use health tools, such as food and exercise planners and logs
  • Register for events
  • Talk to a coach, dietician, or personal trainer
  • Track their individual incentive points

In addition to these great features, the portal displays real time company-wide health challenge statistics and offers a complete health library with videos, recipes and quick links to valuable resources.

Companies interested in establishing a Web portal for their employees can learn more at: https://www.welladvantage.com/services/web-platform/

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