
WellAdvantage™ Ranks #1 Among BBJ’s 25 Fastest-Growing Woman-Owned Businesses

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WellAdvantage™, a preventive health and corporate wellness company, ranks number one (#1) on the Baltimore Business Journal’s (BBJ) list of the 25 Fastest-Growing Woman-Owned Businesses. The BBJ list ranks 25 woman-led companies in the Greater Baltimore area according to the percentage of growth between 2012 and 2013. Business leaders were recognized at the BBJ’s Enterprising Women breakfast event on August 1, 2014 at Martin’s West in Baltimore.

WellAdvantage provides comprehensive wellness services for its clients, which range in size from 200 to 90,000 employees around the globe. WellAdvantage’s services include personal health monitoring and management technology; biometric screenings; corporate flu shot clinics; health coaching and more, helping clients reduce health risks up to 40 percent in areas like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The national average for wellness programs is just 23 percent.

WellAdvantage CEO Jeanne Puglisi Sherwood is motivated by these results and honored by the BBJ recognition. “The impact of our wellness program is very real for both employees and employers. Reducing health risks means employees lead healthier and happier lives at work and at home. Employers experience a tremendous return in both decreased employee turnover and insurance premiums. That’s real money at a time when insurance rates are only creeping up, companies without a comprehensive wellness program in place are at a severe disadvantage,” shares Ms. Sherwood.

To be considered for the list of Fastest-Growing Woman-Owned Businesses, companies had to be headquartered in Greater Baltimore, at least 51 percent woman-owned and making at least $50,000 in annual revenue.

For more information on the BBJ’s list of Fastest Growing Women-Owned Businesses, please visit http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/. For more on WellAdvantage, please visit http://localhost/wellAdvantage.

About WellAdvantage™
WellAdvantage is an award-winning preventive health and corporate wellness company. Since 2001, WellAdvantage has developed innovative, customized wellness programs that deliver proven results in health awareness and disease prevention. WellAdvantage offers clients the latest in personal health monitoring and management technology, wellness coaching, biometric screenings, aggregate outcomes reporting and corporate incentive programs. WellAdvantage is MBE/WBE certified. For more information, please visit http://localhost/wellAdvantage.


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