
What is Your State of Mind Today?

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Physical health is often the focus when discussing health and well-being. Exercise and healthy eating are frequent priorities, but when does mental health receive attention? Professor Barbara Sahakian from the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine recommends mental health be a priority similar to physical health to decrease mental disorders.

An estimated 25 percent of adults experience a mental condition each year—a large portion of the disorders stemming from depression and anxiety. Maintaining brain health is important to decrease psychological health risks as well as improve well-being. If mental disorders go untreated, conditions can worsen and become more difficult to treat. While physical activity has benefits on cognition and physical health, being aware of one’s mental health is important to maintain psychological well-being.

Regularly reflecting on one’s overall health can decrease the incidence of mental disorders and help an individual to recognize when certain dimensions of wellness need more focus. Setting aside time every month to journal, meditate, or contemplate the current state of individual mental health can prevent conditions before other aspects of life are affected.

A few symptoms of mental disorders can include extreme mood changes, excessive anger, feelings of sadness, and changes in eating habits. For more information on signs and symptoms of mental disorders, visit the Mayo Clinic website.

While only health professionals can give a diagnosis of mental disorders, review this overview on depression from the Mayo Clinic to help understand mood symptoms and options for treatment.

Posted By National Wellness Institute, Friday, March 01, 2013
Updated: Thursday, February 28, 2013

Article by Kelli Oligney, Associate Editor

Reference: Maul, G. (February 17, 2013). Get your brain fit. Bio-Medicine. Retrieved on February 18, 2013, from http://www.bio-medicine.org/medicine-news-1/Get-your-brain-fit-100293-1

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