
What Triggers Emotional Eating and How to Break the Habit

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A WellAdvantage Coaching Institute Presentation

Emotional Eating - WellAdvantage Presentation

Emotional Eating

Do you crave chocolate when you’re stressed? Maybe ice cream when you’re happy or potato chips (or more chocolate) when you’re sad?

We’ve all experienced emotional eating, and many of us no longer notice when we eat in response to feelings rather than hunger. Stress, comfort, reward–we all have our reasons, but when eating to fill emotional needs rather than to fill our stomachs becomes habitual, it is time to get motivated and kick the habit to the curb.

WellAdvantage is here to help you do just that. Learn how to break this habit with the help of a health coach from WellAdvantage who will help you identify common triggers and reveal strategies to help you overcome emotional eating! The event is free and open to the public, so please stop by, say hi, learn a lot, and bask in the motivation.

Meet the Coach: Laura Remaly

Laura Remaly - WellAdvantage Coaching Institute

Laura Remaly, MBA, FAWHP, has been a wellness coach at WellAdvantage for three years. She has been actively employed in the Fitness and Wellness Industry for over 30 years. She has multiple certifications in Group Exercise, Smoking Cessation and Nutrition.

See you there!!

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