
Your Body Is An Ocean

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Your Body Is An Ocean

Did you know that every cell, tissue, and organ in your entire body is filled with water? That is why hydration is so important, particularly during the hot summer months. You can think of your body as a plant that wilts in the heat and sun, but perks back up when it is watered. Water helps the body regulate its temperature, lubricate its joints, protect sensitive tissues like the spinal cord, and remove waste through processes such as perspiration and urination.
Your Body Is An Ocean
 Because your body loses water constantly through daily functions like sweating, using the bathroom,   and even exhaling, you need to replace your body’s water to prevent dehydration. Drinking when you are thirsty and eating foods that contain water, like soup, tomatoes, and melons, is often sufficient to keep your body properly hydrated. However, when you are spending time in hot weather, engaging in physical activity, running a fever, or experiencing diarrhea or vomiting, your body needs extra help staving off dehydration.
Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to increase your fluid intake during these situations:
  • Carry a water bottle when you are spending time outside of your home.
  • Drink water instead of sugary beverages such as soda and sports drinks.
  • Choose water instead of sweetened drinks when you eat out.
  • If the taste of water isn’t your favorite, try adding lemon or lime juice to it to encourage yourself to consume more water.

For more information, please visit here.



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